About Breast Cancer
Why does breast cancer develop in some women but not others?
Is it our diet? Lifestyle? Genetics? Age? What is it?
Let's learn more about breast cancer
What is breast cancer? How does
breast cancer start?
There are so many websites on breast cancer that it is easy to get overwhelmed, especially when you're first learning about it. We recommend the following:
From: breastcancer.org (what breast cancer is)
From: Susan G Koman for the Cure(what breast cancer is)
(breast cancer anatomy video, how cancer develops)
From: National Cancer Institute
(what cancer is)
What causes breast cancer?
Cancer is unpredictable. It is not your fault and beyond your control. However, there are certain risk factors. By making behavioral modifications (like eating healthy), you can lower your risk.
From: breastcancer.org
From: Mayo Clinic
What are the different types of breast cancer?
If you have breast cancer, you should know the type as it can affect your treatment. For instance, if you have hormone receptor positive disease, you may benefit from endocrine therapies like tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitors. Make sure to ask your doctor to explain the elements of your pathology report. From: breastcancer.orghttp://www.breastcancer.org/symptoms/types/rare_idc/
Scent of Lavender
Breast Cancer Information Center
2497 Huntington Dr.
San Marino, CA 91108
Tel: 626-793-8121